WRAP53 (also known as WD40-encoding RNA antisense to p53) is a gene implicated in cancer development. The name was coined in 2009 to describe the dual role of this gene, encoding both an antisense RNA that regulates the p53 tumor suppressor and a protein involved in DNA repair, telomere elongation and maintenance of nuclear organelles Cajal bodies (Figure 1).
The WRAP53 gene is localized on chromosome 17p13.1 and contains 13 exons, including three alternative starting exons (1α, 1β and 1γ) generating at least three gene products. The WRAP53 gene partially overlaps the p53 tumor suppressor gene in a head-to-head orientation.
Transcripts of WRAP53 that overlap the first exon of p53 (referred to as WRAP53α transcripts) regulate the levels of p53 mRNA and protein (Figure 1). WRAP53γ transcripts overlap the first intron of p53 and are antisense to the previously identified transcript Hp53int1 localized within this intron. However, the function of WRAP53γ remains elusive.
No, Rock and Roll, this is how you do rock n' roll
Rockin' Ruby
Here's how you sing it
Well now I gotta girl now and Ruby is her name
Let's see I need some beat boys
Well this girl don't love me, but I love her just the same
Pick it up boys
Woah oh oh Ruby Ruby
How I want you
Like a ghost I'm a gonna haunt you
Ruby Ruby, Ruby will you be mine
Ruby Ruby Ruby Baby
Well now each time I see you, baby my heart cries
Ruby Ruby Ruby Baby
Ah it does Ruby
Well now I'm gonna steal you away from all those guys
Ruby Ruby Ruby Baby
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh
From the happy day I met you
I made a bet that I was gonna get you
Ruby will you be mine
Let's oink awhile
oink oink
oink oink
oink oink bow
Whoa oh oh oh oh
oink oink
woof woof
Well I gotta girl I said Ruby is her name
What's her name?
When this girl looks at me she just sets my soul aflame
Ruby Ruby Ruby Baby
Whoa oh oh oh oh
Forgot it
What are you gonna do now?
Aba zaba aba zaba zaba doo
Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Baby
You always forget the words, every time