The World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (WNUSP) is an international organisation representing, and led by "survivors of psychiatry". As of 2003, over 70 national organizations were members of WNUSP, based in 30 countries. The network seeks to protect and develop the human rights, disability rights, dignity and self-determination of those labeled 'mentally ill'.
WNUSP has special consultative status with the United Nations. It contributed to the development of the UN's Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. WNUSP has produced a manual to help people use it entitled "Implementation Manual for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities", edited by Myra Kovary.
WNUSP joined with other organizations to create the International Disability Caucus, which jointly represented organizations of people with disabilities and allies during the CRPD negotiations. WNUSP was part of the steering committee of the IDC, which maintained a principle of respecting the leadership of diverse constituencies on issues affecting them, and also maintained that the convention should be of equal value to all persons with disabilities irrespective of the type of disability or geographical location. Tina Minkowitz, WNUSP's representative on the IDC steering committee, coordinated the IDC's work on key articles of the CRPD, including those on legal capacity, liberty, torture and ill-treatment and integrity of the person. Since the adoption and entry into force of the CRPD, WNUSP has worked with other organizations in the International Disability Alliance and its CRPD Forum to guide the interpretation and application of the CRPD on these issues.
Adam Ant/Marco Pirroni
You can hang me by the neck
Till I'm dead, dead, dead
Kiss my mouth until it's red, red, red
Now is the time honey, this is the place
The good and the bad guy face to face
Blood pressure up, sunlight down
Toughen up, toughen up, play tough.
Johnny can't program, sure enough
Put a leather in your cap, play tough
Sugar-boom, sugar-boom, that's the stuff
Comb your hair play tough
No zap.
You can hang me by the neck
Till I'm dead, dead, dead
Kiss my mouth until it's red, red, red
Don't play, don't sing, I don't hike
But me no buts buddy, riding my bike
Surf coming up Geronimo Joe
Toughen up, toughen up, let's go.
You can hang me by the neck
Till I'm dead, dead, dead
Kiss my mouth until it's red, red, red
Don't be a dunco, forget charts
Out of the wallet, into your hearts
Where it counts, in large amounts