WD-40 is the trademark name of a penetrating oil and water-displacing spray. The spray is manufactured by the San Diego, California based WD-40 Company.
WD-40 was developed in 1953 by Norman Larsen, founder of the Rocket Chemical Company, in San Diego, California. 'WD-40' is abbreviated from the term 'Water Displacement, 40th formula', suggesting it was the result of Larsen's 40th attempt to create the product. The spray, composed of various hydrocarbons, was originally designed to be used by Convair to protect the outer skin and, more importantly, the paper-thin balloon tanks of the Atlas missile from rust and corrosion. These stainless steel fuel tanks were so fragile that when empty they had to be kept inflated with nitrogen to prevent them from collapsing. WD-40 was later found to have many household uses and was made available to consumers in San Diego in 1958.
The long-term active ingredient is a non-volatile viscous oil which remains on the surface to which it is applied, giving lubrication and protection from moisture. This oil is diluted with a volatile hydrocarbon to make a low viscosity fluid which can be aerosolized to penetrate crevices. The volatile hydrocarbon then evaporates, leaving behind the oil. A propellant (originally a low-molecular-weight hydrocarbon, now carbon dioxide) creates pressure in the can to force the liquid through the can's nozzle before evaporating.
Nikomu nikto ne vinovat
Kazhdoi luzhe po svoyei lune
Tol'ko bol'she net koordinat
Na kotoryh ty naidyoshsya mne
(No one can blame anyone
The moon is reflected in each puddle
There are no more coordinates
That I can use to find you)
Ya uzhe ne tam a ty ne zdes'
Razminulish' glupo oblaka*
Obez'yanka, ty poka chto yest' **
Obez'yanka, ya zhiva poka
(I'm still not there and you're not here
The clouds foolishly miss each other
A monkey, you are for now
Monkey, and I'm alive for now)
Moya veselaya
Moya smeshnaya bol'
Ya obez'yanka-nol'
Ty obez'yanka-nol'
(You're my cheerful pain,
You're my funny pain
I'm Monkey Number Zero
You're Monkey Number Zero)
Chestnyh psihov mozhno ne lechit'
Ne otpustit ni tebe ni mne
S etoi grusti nam ne soskochit'
Obez'yanki budut zhit' v tyur'me
(Honest pyschos don't need healing
Neither of us will be set free
We can't give up this anguish
Monkeys will live in prison)
Obez'yanki budut zhit v tyur'me
Vsem lyubov', a obez'yankam grust'
Obez'yanka ty prisnishsya mne
Obez'yanka ya tebe prisnyus'
(Monkeys will live in prison
Love for everyone and anguish for monkeys
You're the monkey in my dreams
Monkey - I'll be in your dreams)
Moya veselaya
Moya smeshnaya bol'
Ya obez'yanka nol'
Ty obez'yanka-nol'
(You're my cheerful pain,
You're my funny pain
I'm Monkey Number Zero
You're Monkey Number Zero)
Moya veselaya
Moya smeshnaya bol'
Ya obez'yanka nol'
Ty obez'yanka-nol'
(You're my cheerful pain,
You're my funny pain
I'm Monkey Number Zero