The Western Australia Police provides police services throughout the state of Western Australia, an area of 2.5 million square kilometres, the world's largest non-federated area of jurisdiction, with a population of only 2.4 million, of which 1.9 million reside in the Perth Metropolitan Region.
The genesis of the police was the appointment of a sheriff by Captain Stirling on 18 June 1829, as part of the proclamation of the Swan River Colony. The proclamation provided for the appointment of a sheriff having under his direction a high constable, constables, bailiffs and surveyors of highways. The sheriff still exists as an officer of the Western Australian Justice Department—no longer having jurisdiction over police or highways. The sheriff retains responsibility for enforcement of court judgments and the administration of jury service. Police continue to carry out sheriff and bailiff duties, particularly in remote country locations.
Early colonial policemen were recruited by magistrates and worked part-time. They were paid only for specific tasks, such as one shilling for serving a summons. By 1830, there were fifteen part-time constables in the state, of whom five worked in Perth.
Wait there, stop
You know I didn't mean it
I'm not really sure I'm not really sure
What they've all been talking
Theo Theo, get yourself together
We all make mistakes
We not really sure we not really sure
What they've all been singing
Oh Theo, what seems to be the problem
I really can't get a grip on yourself
Oh Theo, what seems to be the problem
I really can't get a grip on yourself
Theo where could she go
Theo where could she go
Theo where could she go...
It's been 4 days now
I can't believe it but I miss you
I'm not really sure I'm not really sure
Theo Theo, get yourself together
We all make mistakes
We not really sure we not really sure
How to act, or to behave
Oh Theo, what seems to be the problem
I really can't get a grip on yourself
Oh Theo, what seems to be the problem
I really can't get a grip on yourself
Theo where could she go
Theo where could she go
Theo where could she go...
You start you start oh you start running (x8)