Darko Rundek (January 30, 1956) is a Croatian rock singer, songwriter, poet, and actor. His music career started in the early '80s, as the frontman of the world music influenced rock band Haustor. Living in France since 1991, he recorded five albums with various musicians from different parts of the world: Apokalipso, U širokom svijetu, Ruke, MHM A-HA OH YEAH DA-DA and Plavi avion.
Haustor was formed in 1979 by Srđan Sacher (bass), and Darko Rundek (guitar and vocals), with Zoran Perišić (drums) and Ozren Štiglić (guitar). Damir Prica (saxophone), Nikola Santro (trombone), and Zoran Vuletić (keyboards) completed the original Haustor line-up. They were open to reggae, Latin American music and African music influences and were one of the top bands of the rock scene in Yugoslavia, performing numerous concerts to thousands of spectators.
The band released four studio-recorded albums during the 80’s: Haustor in 1981, Treći Svijet (Third world) in 1984, Bolero in 1985 and Tajni Grad (Secret Town) in 1988; three singles: 'Moja prva ljubav' (My first love) in 1980, 'Zima' (Winter) in 1981 and 'Radio' in 1982. The live album Ulje je na vodi (Oil on the water) was recorded in 1982 and released in 1995, and 81-'88 (The best of) was released in 1995.