Vino may refer to:
Vino is a lyrical rock album released by Draco Rosa in 2008 under Phantom Vox and a followup to Vagabundo. It was first published during the summer of 2007 under the alternate title of El Teatro del Absurdo in certain territories.
Draco terminated all contractual liaisons with Sony Music soon after the release of Mad Love. This freedom gave way to Vino, his first Spanish album since the release of Vagabundo in 1996.
All songs by Draco Rosa, excepted where noted.
Vino was a now-inactive project at Harvard University that sought to develop an extensible-kernel operating system based on NetBSD.
There is also a current project named Vino hosted on CodePlex that seeks to develop a Java-based operating system similar in concept to the legacy JavaOS.
During the 1990s, a Vino Group within the Harvard School of Engineering worked to develop an "extensible" Unix-like operating system. According to the project's main web page:
In essence, Vino was a fork of and ran on the same Intel 486 hardware platform as NetBSD did at that time. Two alpha versions of Vino were released (under a "BSD-like" license) — 0.40 in December, 1997, and 0.50 in December, 1998. That software and its companion documentation are currently available from the Systems Research at Harvard (SYRAH) Group, which also maintains the Vino web pages.
Alpı is a Turkic word that may refer to:
Alp is a common masculine Turkish given name. In Turkish, "Alp" means "Stouthearted", "Brave", "Chivalrous", "Daredevil", "Valorous", and/or "Gallant".
An alp is a nightmare creature originating in German folklore.
Not to be confused with the similarly named Alp-luachra, the alp is sometimes likened to a vampire, but its behavior is more akin to that of the incubus. It is distinct from both of these creatures in that it wears a magic hat called a Tarnkappe, from which it draws its powers. The word "alp" is a variation on the word "elf". It is also known by the following names: trud, mar, mart, mahr, schrat, and walrider. Many variations of the creature exist in surrounding European areas, such as the Druden and Schratteli, or Old Hag in English-speaking countries.
An alp is typically male, while the mara and mart appear to be more feminine versions of the same creature. Its victims are often females, whom it attacks during the night, controlling their dreams and creating horrible nightmares (hence the German word Alptraum ["elf dream"], meaning a nightmare). An alp attack is called an Alpdruck, or often Alpdrücke, which means "elf pressure". Alpdruck is when an alp sits astride a sleeper's chest and becomes heavier until the crushing weight awakens the terrified and breathless dreamer. The victim awakes unable to move under the alp's weight. This may have been an early explanation for sleep apnea and sleep paralysis, as well as night terrors. It may also include lucid dreams.
( Renato Carosone ) - "Vino, Vino"
Vino vino vino vino
Vino vino vino vino
E baci ancor...
Le tue labbra son più morbide dei fior,
come dei grappoli maturi sotto il sol.
I tuoi baci come il vino
fanno dire al mio cuor:
vino vino vino vino
e baci ancor!
Quando soli ce ne andiamo a passeggiar
sotto un albero restiamo un po' a sognar,
i tuoi baci così dolci
fan cantare al mio cuor:
vino vino vino vino
e baci ancor!
Bella bella bella
al mondo nessuna c'è,
bella bella bella
dolcissima come te!
Le tue labbra son più morbide dei fior,
come dei grappoli maturi sotto il sol.
Son felice e innamorato
mentre sogna il mio cuor...
vino vino vino vino
e baci ancor!
Vino vino
Vino vino...
vino vino vino vino
e baci ancor!
Vino, vino
Vino, vino
Vino, vino, vino, vino
e baci ancor!
Bella bella bella
al mondo nessuna c'è,
bella bella bella
dolcissima come te!
Mi sun alpin, mi sun alpin, mi sun alpin
me piaze il vin, me piaze el vin, me piaze el vin!
vino vino vino vino
vino, vino, vino, vino
e baci ancor!
vino vino vino vino
vino, vino, vino, vino
e baci ancor!
Mi sun alpin, mi sun alpin, mi sun alpin
me piaze il vin, me piaze el vin, me piaze el vin!
vino vino vino vino
vino, vino, vino, vino
e baci ancor!
vino vino vino vino
vino, vino, vino, vino
e baci ancor!