Villa Vásquez is a town in the Monte Cristi province of the Dominican Republic.
Villa Vasquez (Dominican Republic) Population: • Total population according to the 'Census of 2002': 20,784. • 10,596 men • 10,188 women • Urban 16,353 hab. • Density 64.3 inh. / Km ² The Municipality of 'Villa Vasquez', in the Dominican historical events and always for political reasons, has changed its name many times. It is one of the most dynamic economic area, the product of its large farming and ranching.
"Formerly known as Santa Ana (for many Santana), but after years of hegemony of Horacio Vásquez Dominican political life, Villa Vásquez was named after the leader said. No.1055 Law of December 14, 1935 changed its name to Demetrio Rodriguez to honor the jaunty overall flower Juan Gomez.
"Two years later the law No.1385 of September 17, 1937 changed the designation by Villa Isabel, one of the major landowners in the area and at that time, confident of the dictator Trujillo.