A video hosting service allows individuals to upload and share personal, business or royalty-free videos and to watch them legally. Users generally will upload via the hosting service's website, mobile or desktop applications or APIs. The type of video content uploaded can be anything from short video clips all the way to full-length movies. The video host will then store the video on its server, and show the individual different types of embed codes or links to allow others to view this video. The website, mainly used as the video hosting website, is usually called the video sharing website.
With the increasing prevalence of technology and the Internet in everyday life, video hosting services serve as a portal to different forms of entertainment, whether it be comedy, shows, games, or music. Content may be either both user-generated or commercial product. The entertainment industry now uses this medium to release music and videos as well as movies and television shows directly to the public. Since many users do not have unlimited web space, either as a paid service, or through an ISP offering, video hosting services are becoming increasingly popular, especially with the explosion in popularity of blogs, internet forums, and other interactive pages.
Every time I'm kicked to the ground
Broken bones and broken proud
People laughing with dark delight
Pushing mental suicide
My hate regains, the faces come
Urging every night to take
Faces in my nightmares
Telling me to kill
My lungs
Are filled with burning air
I cannot stand these stares
Impregnated with hate and destruction
Reflected in my mind
Urging me to kill
Kill and mutilate to serve
My needs
To fulfill my delights
A mental suicide
To punish those who mocked with me
Faces in my nightmares
Telling me to kill
An axe in my hand held tight