A veto – Latin for "I forbid" – is the power (used by an officer of the state, for example) to unilaterally stop an official action, especially the enactment of legislation. A veto can be absolute, as for instance in the United Nations Security Council, whose permanent members (China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States of America) can block any resolution. Or it can be limited, as in the legislative process of the United States, where a two-thirds vote in both the House and Senate may override a Presidential veto of legislation. A veto gives power only to stop changes, not to adopt them (except for the rare "amendatory veto"). Thus a veto allows its holder to protect the status quo.
The concept of a veto body originated with the Roman consuls and tribunes. Either of the two consuls holding office in a given year could block a military or civil decision by the other; any tribune had the power to unilaterally block legislation passed by the Roman Senate.
The institution of the veto, known to the Romans as the intercessio, was adopted by the Roman Republic in the 6th century BC to enable the tribunes to protect the interests of the plebs (common citizenry) from the encroachments of the patricians, who dominated the Senate. A tribune's veto did not prevent the senate from passing a bill, but meant that it was denied the force of law. The tribunes could also use the veto to prevent a bill from being brought before the plebeian assembly. The consuls also had the power of veto, as decision-making generally required the assent of both consuls. If one disagreed, either could invoke the intercessio to block the action of the other. The veto was an essential component of the Roman conception of power being wielded not only to manage state affairs but to moderate and restrict the power of the state's high officials and institutions.
VETO is a Danish indie rock band formed in 2004. They released their first EP, I Will Not Listen, in 2005 and their first full-length album, There's A Beat In All Machines, in 2006, both released on the Danish hip hop label, Tabu Records/Playground Music Denmark.
In February 2007 VETO won the award for Best New Act, as well as Best Danish Music Video at Danish Music Awards.
Their song "You Are A Knife" was featured briefly in the American television program NCIS episode "Suspicion".
VETO's second album is called Crushing Digits and was released 5 May 2008. The first single for the album, "Built to Fail", was released in March 2008 and received heavy airplay as "Ugens Uundgåelige" (Unavoidable of the week) on the public service radio channel DR P3.
The band was awarded Danish Band of the Year at the Danish Music Awards 2009.
The band's third studio album, entitled Everything is Amplified, was released February 25, 2011.
Veto is the power to stop an action
Veto may also refer to:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is an American franchise which spans several media and genres. It began in 1992 with the film Buffy the Vampire Slayer, written by Joss Whedon and directed by Fran Rubel Kuzui, and was resurrected as the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer in 1997. The show's popularity caused it to spawn a multitude of Expanded Universe tie-in material such as comic books, novels, and video games, as well as a spin-off program entitled Angel. In 2007, four years after the television series' seventh and final season, Buffy the Vampire Slayer was officially continued in the comic book Season Eight. The following is a list of minor recurring characters who appear in the franchise.
(a.k.a. Saga Vasuki)
Amanda is a Potential Slayer who appears in Season Seven, played by Sarah Hagan. A Sunnydale High student and member of the swing choir, she first appears in the episode "Help" as part of the seemingly-random stream of students showing up at Buffy's guidance office. Amanda was sent to Buffy for beating up another student who was picking on her. In the later episode "Potential", it is revealed that Amanda is in fact a Potential Slayer, and she aptly slays a vampire who threatens her and Dawn. Afterwards, Amanda moves into the Summers' residence, where she trains and becomes friends with her fellow Potentials. In the final episode of the show, "Chosen", Amanda is activated as a Slayer along with the other Potentials and battles against an army of Turok-Han vampires. She is last seen falling to the ground dead after her neck was snapped by a Turok-Han. She was the first Potential to kill a vampire and the first one to kill a Turok-Han.
Ben (born Bernhard Albrecht Matthias Lasse Blümel on May 15, 1981, in Berlin) is a German singer, songwriter, and occasional voice actor and TV host.
His greatest success was 2002 with the hit single "Engel", a collaboration with singer Gim. He was also successful as TV presenter of the music show The Dome (RTL II), Toggo Music (Super RTL) and Bravo TV (Pro 7).
He was the narrator in the German version of the 2006 Canadian-French animal film La Planète blanche (Der weisse Planet).
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Janez Bončina, nicknamed Benč (born 3 December 1947) is a Slovenian composer, guitarist and singer. He is one of the leading authors and performers of Slovenian and Yugoslavian rock music. In the middle of the 1960s, Bončina with his friend Tomaž Domicelj from the group Helioni, showed his talent for music. Later with the group Mladi levi he founded the projects, which started the Slovenian pop rock scene.
In 1970-1972, he collaborated with the international group The Generals, and in 1972 he founded the rock group Srce. With selected Yugoslavian musicians, he founded the group September in 1975. Their music consisted of jazz rock, and was recognised domestically and internationally. September used to be the ambassador of Yugoslavian rock abroad; in the years 1976-1979 they were guests in the Soviet Union, Belgium, Italy, Cuba, Germany, France and finally United States, where they recorded their second album.
In 1983 Benč returned to music scene with the solo album Ob Šanku, which was created with the arranger Gregor Forjanič. With the group Karamela he was a guest in Italy, Germany and the Soviet Union, recordings from the tour were, later published on a live album. At this time, Pepsi Cola chose him as a Yugoslavian representative of international propaganda action, where he played along with Tina Turner in a propaganda video.
A cast is a basic skill on uneven bars in artistic gymnastics. From the front hang, a gymnast pikes (allowing the knee to touch the bar) and slides upwards to a handstand. Some gymnasts may perform the move with straddled legs. It is an "A" move in the Code of Points.