A Councillor is a member of a local government council.
United Kingdom
In the United Kingdom all local authorities are overseen by elected councillors. These include:
unitary authorities
county councils and district councils
parish, town and community councils
The Common Council of the City of London (in which councillors are known as aldermen and councilmen)
According to Debrett's Correct Form the English title "Councillor" (often shortened to ‘Cllr’) applies only to elected members of city, borough or district councils. However, there is no legal basis for this restriction and in practice the title is applied to all councillors at all levels of local government. Where necessary, parish and county councillors are differentiated by the use of a fuller title such as "town councillor" or "county councillor". The title precedes the holder's rank or other title, as in Cllr Dr Jenny Smith or Cllr Sir James Smith, and for women it precedes their title of marital status, as in Cllr Mrs Joan Smith.