Vespula vulgaris
Vespula vulgaris, known as the common wasp, is a wasp found in various regions of the world including the United Kingdom, Germany, India, China, New Zealand, and Australia. It is sometimes known as the European wasp; this name is also used for the species Vespula germanica, which is also known as the German wasp. It is also sometimes referred to as the “common yellow-jacket”. It was discovered in 2010 that wasps in North America thought to be Vespula vulgaris are actually a different species, Vespula alascensis.
Vespula vulgaris is an eusocial vespid that builds its grey paper nest in or on a structure capable of supporting it. A foundress queen searches for a hollow tree, wall cavity, rock crevice or even a mammal-made hole to build a nest. One colony cycle lasts for approximately 6–11 months and each colony cycle consists of around 3000~8000 larvae.
The extraordinary adaptation skills of Vespula vulgaris enable it to live in a wide range of habitats, from very humid areas to artificial environments such as gardens and human structures. This species, along with other wasp species such as Vespula germanica, has immensely impacted the lives of many humans, especially those in New Zealand and Australia, as its activities pose a great threat to people. These wasps cause much damage to fruits and many stings to people, adversely affecting tourism and hindering outdoor activities.