Categories Youth
Total circulation 5000
First issue 1980
Company UTS Students' Association
Country  Australia
Language English
Website Vertigo Online

Vertigo is the student magazine of the University of Technology, Sydney.[1] Its name derives from the university's main building, which is a 28-storey brutal modernist tower block and how the Vertigo Offices were originally at its summit (they have since been moved to Level 3). The magazine is published by the UTS Students' Association.[2][3]

The 2011 editors of the magazine are Carla Efstratiou, Daniel Piotrowski, James Bourne, Ava Nirui, Justin Wolfers, Lucien Alperstein, Anna Watanabe and Gemma Kaczerepa.

The editorial leadership changes annually by popular vote. This has led to a colourful and diverse history. As a result, editions change tone and style over the years, based on who the editorial team is. In one year, the paper may be a fairly innocuous comic paper, another year very strongly politically influenced. This is entirely within the ethos of the publication.


Content [link]

Each edition contains an editorial, satire, serious feature articles, music and movie reviews and profiles on popular artists. Comics and other artworks often are printed by the magazine, but may not be in every issue.

Office Bearer Reports [link]

Vertigo is constitutionally required to print Office Bearer Reports for the UTS Students' Association Office Bearers if they would like to inform the student population about their role and activities.[4] This has often led to controversies as the editorial direction often attracts a readership which may be at political odds with some Office Bearers' beliefs.[5]

Past Editors [link]

2010 - Mia Burns, Jason Childs, Clare Evans, Felicity Evans, Akito Hirata, Stephanie King, Sarah Michael, Lucie Robson, Ben Squires, Raj Wakeling

2009 - David Bennett, Patrick Catanzariti, Julian Dibley-Hall, Sophie Jeliba, Alex McClintock, Kahla Preston, Bonita Silva, Jade Tyrrell, Donna Yan

2008 - Matty Carr, Tracey Lien, James Morgan, Lena Rutkowski, Sophie Tarr

2007 - Nick Gunn, Anne Lin, Daniel Stone, Michelle Swainson, William Tan

2006 - Oishee Alam, Christopher Brew, Belinda Lopez, William Wallace, Jessica Consalvo Minshall

2005 - Pat Armstrong, Kat Barron, Hon Boey, Darryn King, Cipikat Morgan, Sarah-Jane Norman

2004 - Melissa Fulton, Nick Keys, Stephanie Liew, Astrid L'Orange, Aden Rolfe, Caitlin Sandercock, Joel Scott

2002 - Laura Tolley, Andrew Tolley, Gareth Horne, Matthew Kean

1998 - Josh Szeps, Rebekah Giles, Rebel Neary, Amanda Tattersall

1996 - Monika Jansch, Lee Wallace, Fiona McDonald

1995 - Georgina Young, Kathy Grattan

References [link]

  1. ^ UTS Handbook, UTS Handbook, Retrieved on 2007-03-22
  2. ^ UTS Students Association, UTS Students Association Department, Retrieved on 2007-03-22
  3. ^ UTS Open Day, UTS Students Association, Retrieved on 2007-03-22
  4. ^ Students' Association Services, Vertigo, Retrieved on 2007-06-03
  5. ^ 2007 - Edition 2, Letters, Retrieved on 2007-03-22

External links [link]

