Veroli (Latin: Verulae) is a town and comune in province of Frosinone, Lazio, central Italy.
Veroli (Verroli) became a Roman municipium in 90 BCE. It became the seat of a bishopric in 743 CE, and was occupied by Spanish milices, allied to the Colonna family, in the 16th troops.
Veroli (Verroli) retains elements of its ancient polygonal nucleus, especially near the summit of the hill, later occupied by a medieval castle. The Cathedral's treasury contains the breviary of St. Louis of Toulouse, and some interesting reliquaries, one in ivory with bas-reliefs, and two in the Gothic style, of silver gilt.
Near Veroli (Verroli) is the Gothic Abbey of Casamari.
Castelmassimo, Colleberardi, Colle Ciaffone, Cotropagno, Giglio di Veroli, Madonna della Vittoria, San Giuseppe le Prata, Santa Francesca, Sant'Angelo in villa, Scifelli, Aia le monache, Bagnara, Casamari, Case Cibba, Case Cocchi, Case Fiorini, Case Gattone, Case Palmerini-Oste, Case Pinciveri, Case Ricci, Case Scaccia, Case Sciascia, Case Volpi, Casino Spani, Castello, Chiarano, Colle Capito, Colle grosso, Colle Martino, Cona dei greci, Crescenzi, Crocifisso, Fontana Fratta, Gaude, Madonna degli Angeli, Madonna del pianto, Madonna di Foiano, Ponte Vasagalli, Puppari, San Cristoforo, San Filippo, Santa Maria Amaseno, Sant'Anna, San Vito, Speluca, Stere Mancini, Tondarella, Tor dei venti, Torre Caravicchia, Tretticatore, Vado Amaseno, Valle Amaseno, Vernieri, Virano.
Verse 1:
The songs you sing My heart has grown to hate them
The meetings of the saints are all in vain
Under steeples marked with crosses I see darkness
For sin abounds under false pretenses
Wake up from your sleeping My redeemed
Remove the evil deeds from My eyes
See the orphan see the widow's needs
Learn to get on your knees and serve each other
Verse 2:
If you lift up your hands I will not see them
Even though your many prayers I will not hear
For My pleasure is not in the sacrifices
But in the righteousness of the heart that makes it
Wake up from your sleeping My redeemed
Remove the evil deeds from My eyes
See the orphan see the widow's needs
Learn to get on your knees and serve each other
Your sins are like scarlet but they will be white as snow
You wear evil like a garment but I'm giving you a brand new coat
And if you are willing to live by all My commands
You will know Jesus and you'll drink from the Father's hands
Wake up from your sleeping My redeemed
Remove the evil deeds from My eyes
See the orphan see the widow's needs