Vermandois was a French county, that appears in the Merovingian period. In the 10th century, it was organised around two castellan domains: St Quentin (Aisne) and Péronne (Somme). In today's times, the Vermandois county would fall in the Picardy region of northern France.
Pepin I of Vermandois, the earliest of its hereditary counts, was descended in direct male line from the emperor Charlemagne. More famous was his grandson Herbert II (902–943), a man absolutely devoid of scruples, who considerably increased the territorial power of the house of Vermandois, and kept the lawful king of France, the unlucky Charles the Simple, prisoner for six years. Herbert II was son of Herbert I, lord of Péronne and St Quentin, who was killed in 902 by an assassin in the pay of Baldwin II, Count of Flanders. His successors, Albert I, Herbert III, Albert II, Otto and Herbert IV, were not as historically significant.
It was all poverty
Was not heat around
When dignity is expensive
Masses always need a messiah
Do you need some crimes?
To feel you like a god?
Despise the loosers
High-powered cleaning
We come to fight
To use long knives
And when there is no light
Anyone can jump to fire
March! March! March! March! March!
March! March! March! March! March!
They will pay our pain
To see the world so fake
Somebody fighted for a nation
Someone will fight for the blood
Was a race cleaning?
Was a wotan revenge?
Was a demon cumming
Over the wordl ass?
Wake up!
Every dogged is always ready to make a war
Every dogged is always ready to make a war
Every dogged is always ready to make a war
Every dogged is always ready to make a war
Bleed, bleed, bleed!
Bleed, bleed, bleed!
Bleed, bleed, bleed! Bleed, bleed, bleed!
When the power rises
Nobody can't stop the rifle
Bleed, bleed, bleed
Bleed, bleed, bleed
Bleed, bleed, bleed