Verbotsgesetz 1947
The Verbotsgesetz 1947 (Prohibition Act 1947) abbreviated VerbotsG, is an Austrian constitutional law passed on 8 May 1945, which banned the Nazi Party and provided the legal grounds for the process of denazification in Austria, as well as aiming to suppress any potential revival of Nazism.
The present version became applicable on 18 February 1947. The law, which was updated in 1992, prohibits Holocaust denial as well as the deliberate belittlement of any Nazi atrocities. Before 1992, some courts had interpreted the clampdown on reviving Nazi ideology as prohibiting Holocaust denial in particular, but since the law didn't explicitly prohibit such denials, there was considerable debate over the matter until the amendment.
Law text
According to Article I VerbotsG, the Nazi Party, its paramilitary organisations such as SS, SA, the National Socialist Motor Corps and National Socialist Flyers Corps, as well as all affiliated associations were dissolved and banned; any restructuring is forbidden. To underpin the prohibition, the Verbotsgesetz itself, though constitutional law, comprises several penal provisions classifying any act of (re-)engagement in National Socialist activities (Wiederbetätigung) as a punishable offense. Section 3 h VerbotsG included in 1992 states that