Venera 8 (Russian: Венера-8 meaning Venus 8) (manufacturer's designation: 3V (V-72)) was a probe in the Soviet Venera program for the exploration of Venus.
Venera 8 was a Venus atmospheric probe and lander. Its instrumentation included temperature, pressure, and light sensors as well as an altimeter, gamma ray spectrometer, gas analyzer, and radio transmitters. The spacecraft took 117 days to reach Venus with one mid-course correction on 6 April 1972, separating from the bus (which contained a cosmic ray detector, solar wind detector, and ultraviolet spectrometer) and entering the atmosphere on 22 July 1972 at 08:37 UT. A refrigeration system attached to the bus was used to pre-chill the descent capsule's interior prior to atmospheric entry in order to prolong its life on the surface. Descent speed was reduced from 41,696 km/h to about 900 km/h by aerobraking. The 2.5 meter diameter parachute opened at an altitude of 60 km.
Venera 8 transmitted data during the descent. A sharp decrease in illumination was noted at 35 to 30 km altitude and wind speeds of less than 1 km/s were measured below 10 km. Venera 8 landed at 09:32 UT in what is now called Vasilisa Region, within 150 km radius of 10°42′S 335°15′E / 10.70°S 335.25°E / -10.70; 335.25, in sunlight, about 500 km from the morning terminator. The lander mass was 495 kg. It continued to send back data for 50 minutes, 11 seconds after landing before failing due to the harsh surface conditions. The probe confirmed the earlier data on the high Venus surface temperature and pressure (470 degrees Celsius, 90 atmospheres) returned by Venera 7, and also measured the light level as being suitable for surface photography, finding it to be similar to the amount of light on Earth on an overcast day with roughly 1 km visibility.
Baby take me onto higher ground
Make me holy
Help me control it
Show me a piece of Heaven
here on Earth
Say a prayer
for all your unlucky ones
who've yet to find God
Big Bang
Life dawns with lust
Every sperm
is sacred to us
In God we trust
My mind is set on the little death
and the magic of rebirth
Oh Lord
Thou who aret on thigh
swollen be thy limb
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done