In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Veluna, properly known as the Archclericy of Veluna, is a theocratic political state of the Flanaess.
The Archclericy of Voll, originally a vassal to the Viceroyalty of Ferrond, became known as Veluna and claimed independence from the Great Kingdom of Aerdy in 254 CY. The Kingdom of Keoland began a series of occupations of Veluna in 350 CY, only to be ultimately driven out in 438 CY by the forces of Furyondy. In 446 CY, in an agreement known as the Concordat of Eademer, the Velunese College of Bishops voted overwhelmingly to break from the kingdom of Furyondy, establishing the current state known as the Archclericy of Veluna.
Because the moon of Luna held special significance for the original Flan tribes in the area, the region is also sometimes known as the "Vale of Luna", or more simply, "The Vale".
Modern Veluna is generally located in the western-central portion of the Flanaess. It is bordered by the Velverdyva River to the north and east; by the Fals River to the north and west; and by the Lortmil Mountains and the Kron Hills to the south. Most of the original forests in the Vale have been clear cut to make way for farmland, or to supply lumber for building projects. The only remaining woodlands of any note are the Ironwood, the Dapple Wood and the Asnath Copse.
Once he comes to you With a friendly smile
Promises joy and everything you want
He is going to try to win your confidence
All you have to do to sail through the clouds Is to try
He will say to you Feel yourself great and strong
Say no to all temptations no no no
What a felony - Hear the warning of your mind
What a felony It's the last help of this kind
If you take these drugs There's no way to return
The addiction begins You feel the awful pain
All kind of drugs Will never be a key
To open the gate To a better world
What a felony You think it's the easiest way you know
What a felony The addiction is something you can't control
What a felony - you'll fight against the time
What a felony You can't control your mind