
Father Varesco (1735–1805) was a chaplain, musician, poet and (most famously) librettist to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. His given name variously appears as Giambattista, Gianbattista, Giovanni Battista and Girolamo Giovanni Battista. He is sometimes referred to with the Italian title Abate or the French Abbé, both used for priests: he was chaplain at the Salzburg court chapel from 1766.

Varesco's only familiar work with Mozart is the libretto to Idomeneo; the abortive L'oca del Cairo is little-known. Varesco also edited Metastasio's libretto for Il re pastore, one of Mozart's lesser operas. Mozart's commission for Idomeneo came in 1780 from Karl Theodor, Elector of Bavaria; his court in Munich paid Varesco 90 gulden. Leopold Mozart acted as a local intermediary for his son, and their correspondence left many details on the collaboration, and showed the composer's dissatisfaction, primarily with the excessive length of the text. In a letter in December 1780 Mozart wrote:

Ask the Abbate Varesco if we could not break off at the chorus in the second act, Placido e il mare after Elettra's first verse, when the chorus is repeated,--at all events after the second, for it is really far too long. (V.1. - 43/46)



Mount Agony

by: Frisk

Sun dappled sweat slashes awake
Blood blotted out by the breeze
Another bolt upright blue light special
Snarling scenes fade linger disease
The starting gate's filled with agony mounts
Each a catalog of a circle of hell
The gamut of grisly peaks await
It's post time for fit fever padded cell
Shying and prancing they stare at each other
Then burst down the track at sanguinary speed
No way to run from the horses of hell
Destined to lose no matter who leads
On torture, on abuser, on cold-blooded killer
On molester, on rapist, on brute
On mayhem, on plague, on death gurgle spasm
