Validus is a fictional DC Comics supervillain, an enemy of the Legion of Super-Heroes and a member of The Fatal Five.
In the latter half of the 30th century, an entity known as the Sun-Eater threatened to consume Earth's sun, thus destroying the solar system. Desperate to stop the Sun-Eater's efforts, Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes recruited the aid of the Fatal Five. They discovered that Validus was among their ranks, but had no idea of his true parental heritage. The Fatal Five reluctantly agreed to help the Legion, and the Sun-Eater's efforts were averted. Validus remained a loyal member of the Fatal Five, always ready to do Tharok's bidding. During one memorable altercation with the Legion, Validus killed Lyle Norg, the original Invisible Kid.
It was later revealed that Validus' origin supposedly stemmed from a diabolical plot by a powerful Legion foe. As revenge for his defeat in "The Great Darkness Saga", Darkseid kidnapped one of the identical twin children of Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl at birth. He then sent the newborn back in time, cursed with a monstrous body and near-mindlessness (that made him easily controlled by the likes of the Emerald Empress) with the idea that either the parent or the child would kill the other.
Hay que linda vecindad
Es la vecindad del chavo(del chavo!)
No valdra ni un centavo (no vale ni mierda!)
Pero es linda de verdad (de verdad!)
Hay que linda vecindad(vecindad!)
Es la vecindad del chavo(del chavo!)
No valdra ni un centavo (no vale ni mierda!)
Pero es linda de verdad (de verdad!)
Don ramoooooon
ya pagale la renta a ese gordo maricon
o gooordo panzon deja en paz a don ramon
y anda a comprarte una torta de jamon