Valdivia (Spanish pronunciation: [balˈd̪iβja]) is a city and commune in southern Chile, administered by the Municipality of Valdivia. The city is named after its founder Pedro de Valdivia and is located at the confluence of the Calle-Calle, Valdivia, and Cau-Cau Rivers, approximately 15 km (9 mi) east of the coastal towns of Corral and Niebla. Since October 2007, Valdivia has been the capital of Los Ríos Region and is also the capital of Valdivia Province. The national census of 2002 census recorded the commune of Valdivia as having 140,559 inhabitants (Valdivianos), of whom 127,750 were living in the city. The main economic activities of Valdivia include tourism, wood pulp manufacturing, forestry, metallurgy, and beer production. The city is also the home of the Austral University of Chile, founded in 1954, and the Centro de Estudios Científicos.
The city of Valdivia and the Chiloé Archipelago were once the two southernmost outliers of the Spanish Empire. From 1645 to 1740 the city depended directly on the Viceroyalty of Peru, which financed the building of the Valdivian fort system that turned Valdivia into one of the most fortified cities of the New World. In the second half of 19th century, Valdivia was the port of entry for German immigrants who were given land and settled in the surrounding areas.
Valdivia gayana is the sole accepted species in the genus Valdivia, a monotypic genus of flowering plant in the Escalloniaceae family. It is a subshrub with dry fruits that are indehiscent (they do not open). Its native distribution includes only three known localities in the Valdivia Province in Chile, South America.
Maricopa is a genus of snout moths. It was described by Hulst in 1890.
Este remanso de aguas claras
un día de Mayo despertó
era el otoño, año setenta
la muerte en bote bajo al mar
Valdivia, amaneció temblando
se despertó lloviendo, se levantó llorando
no es cierto, o tal vez en mal sueño
o una pesadilla, tan sólo un mal momento
Mi ciudad se vió ante la muerte
sus casas y sus bosques, su industria
y sus puentes.
Se apagó el canto de las aves
el sueño de los hombres
el ronquido maternal de los lanchones.
Donde quedaron las sinfonías de los martillos
sobre el metal, todas las fraguas están inerte
como el obrero que las movió.
Valdivia el tiempo te ha hecho daño
ese temblor extraño tu canto apagó
es cierto, tu río está cambiado
pero la vieja luna, se sigue desnudando
mi ciudad te doy mi canto triste
para tus poblaciones, que están allá en las pampas
el sol vendrá, seguro estoy de ello
y el viejo maremoto será un cuento de viejos.
Estoy alerta en esta noche
por la mañana que vendrá
dicen que vien, por las montañas
con su carreta de carbón
viene del bosque, de Angachilla
viene a darnos su calor
viene descalza, viene desnuda
es la mañana del amor
viene bajando el Calle-Calle
hasta la calle Libertad.