Vishnuloka, Vaikuntha (Sanskrit वैकुंठ, vaikuṃṭha), Vaikuntha-loka, Brahmaloka-sanatana or Abode of Brahman, Param Padam (‘supreme abode’), or Paramapadam is the home of the Supreme Lord Vishnu. It is the eternal abode of Narayana or Vishnu or Hari, his consort Lakshmi, and Shesha, upon whom they rest. In most of the extant Puranas, and Vaishnava traditions, Vaikuntham (Vishnuloka) is located in the direction of the Makara Rashi (Shravana Zodiac) which coincides with the Capricorn constellation. Vishnu's eye is supposed to be located at the South Celestial Pole as well.
The Rigveda (1.22.20) states, Oṃ tad viṣṇoḥ paramam padam sadā paśyanti sūrayaḥ: "All the suras (devas) look towards the Supreme Abode of Lord Vishnu", referring to Vaikuntha, the Supreme Abode. Vaikuntha is considered by Vaishnavites to be the ultimate destination of souls who attain moksha or liberation.
Vaikuntha is known as Paramdhama where liberated souls dwell for eternity enjoying pure bliss and happiness in the company of God Narayana or Vishnu. Vaikuntha is beyond the periphery of the material universe and hence, cannot be perceived or measured by material science and logic.