League may refer to:
A league is a unit of length (or, in various regions, area). It was long common in Europe and Latin America, but it is no longer an official unit in any nation. The word originally meant the distance a person could walk in an hour. Since the Middle Ages, many values have been specified in several countries.
On land, the league was most commonly defined as three miles, though the length of a mile could vary from place to place and depending on the era. At sea, a league was three nautical miles (6,076 yards; 5.556 kilometres). English usage also included any of the other leagues mentioned below (for example, in discussing the Treaty of Tordesillas).
The league was used in Ancient Rome, defined as 1.5 Roman miles (7,500 Roman feet, 2.2 km, 1.4 mi.). The origin is the "leuga gallica" (also: leuca Gallica), the league of Gaul.
The Argentine league (legua) is 5.572 km (3.462 mi) or 6,666 varas: 1 vara is 0.83 m (33 in).
A sports league is a group of sports teams or individual athletes that compete against each other in a specific sport. At its simplest, it may be a local group of amateur athletes who form teams among themselves and compete on weekends; at its most complex, it can be an international professional league making large amounts of money and involving dozens of teams and thousands of players.
In many cases, organizations that function as leagues are described using a different term, such as association, conference, leaderboard, or series. This is especially common in individual sports, although the term "league" is sometimes used in amateur individual sports such as golf.
The term "league" is also sometimes applied to competitions that would more traditionally be called tournaments, such as the UEFA Champions League, which is organized with multiple small round-robin competitions followed by a single elimination tournament to choose an overall winner.
Auf Der Flucht
I say what ¨C what ya say?
Neunzehnhundertsechzig sieben
Erster Eindruck: Gr¨¹ne Minna,
Strassensperre gegen Spinner
Habt Ihr Bock auf 'ne Tracht Pr¨¹gel,
Wir bedienen Euch nicht ¨¹bel, aha
Ecke Joachimstaler Kuhdamm
Ein Exzess,
Wer das Gas als letzter riecht,
Hat als erster den Prozess;
Ganz Berlin ist eine Wolke,
Und man sieht sich wieder'mal
Auf der Flucht
Z¨¹rich, Limmatquai,
Neunzehnhundertachtzig zwei,
Alles ist in Ordnung,
Nichts an Platz,
Ein Ende hat's mit dem Rabatz
Gewonnen hat die Steuer,
Und am Seeufer kein Feuer, aha
Das Fazit aus f¨¹nfzehn Jahren
Die Kontrolle zu bewahren,
Edle Werte zu geniessen,
Sieht man wohin Gelder fliessen
Schmeisst die Rock-Rabauken raus
Und renoviert das Opernhaus, aha
Was die Ordnung anbelangt,
Hat sich alles Gott sei Dank,
Fast wie ganz von Selbst ergeben,
Denn die starke Hand siegt eben
Haelt die Maerchenwelt beisammen
Und die Raeuber sind gefangen, aha
Und f¨¹r die Zukunft sei gesagt,
Sicher kommt 'mal wer und fragt,
Was die Jungwaehler so denken
ueber Kraefte, die sie lenken,
Schwere Wolken, Donnerschlag
Und wer sieht sich da jetzt
Auf der Flucht,
Auf der Flucht!