Vagabond (French: Sans toit ni loi, "without roof nor law") is a 1985 French drama film directed by Agnès Varda, featuring Sandrine Bonnaire. It describes the story of a young woman, a vagabond, who wanders through French wine country one winter. The film was the 36th highest grossing film of the year with a total of 1,080,143 admissions in France.
The film begins with the contorted body of the woman, covered in frost. From this image, an unseen and unheard interviewer (the voice of Varda herself) puts the camera on the last men to see her and the ones who found her. The action then flashes back to the woman, Mona (Sandrine Bonnaire) walking along the roadside, hiding from the police and trying to get a ride. Along her journey she meets and takes up with other vagabonds such as herself as well as a Tunisian vineyard worker, a family of goat farmers, a professor researching trees, and a maid who envies what she perceives to be a beautiful and passionate lifestyle. Mona explains to one of her temporary companions that at one time she had an office job in Paris and did very well for herself, but she became unsettled with the way she was living – choosing instead to wander the country free from any responsibility, picking up what she could to survive as she goes. Throughout the film, Mona's condition seems to become progressively worse until she finally falls where we first saw her, frozen and entrenched in her misery in a ditch.
I Twitch My Mouth and Grind My Teeth
I Roll My Eyes into a Light Thats on
A Feeling I Adore
Clap Your Hands and Stomp Your Feet
Roll Around Like in a Baptist Dream
A Feeling I Ignore
Get Off
This Doesnt Seem Right
That You and I are the Same Thing Every Time
A Blank Stare
A Glance Between Eyes
And You and I are the Same Thing Every Time
And Ill Fade away Cause I wont Take Those Lies
I Twitch My Mouth and Grind My Teeth
Roll My Eyes into a Light Thats on
A Feeling I Adore
But I Forgot it
I Forgot it
I Forgot it
The Feeling I Ignore
Get Off
This Doesnt Seem Right
That You and I are the Same Thing Every Time
A Blank Stare
A Glance Between Eyes
And You and I are the Same Thing Every Time
And Ill Fade away Cause I wont Take Those Lies
Im on the Paths all Walked Before
Im Growing Tired of This and Bored
Now I Forget All Those Who Need
Trapped in My own, Closed Off in Grief
But If I Get By in My Life Id Like To
Share My Life With You
To Grow Beside you in Love True
And I Forget All Those Who Bleed
Trapped Inside All I Have Ever Sought
And I Wait For You To See
And I Forget When on My Knees
Tired and Worn Just Like a Vagabond