VP8 Image Analyzer
The VP8 Image Analyzer is an analog computer produced by Pete Schumacher of Interpretations Systems Incorporated (ISI) in 1972.
One of the functions of the VP8 is Isometric Projection (brightness map) in which white appears to be higher in elevation, black appears lower and mid-range appears between these two extremes. The VP8 does not create 3D images, but creates brightness maps, which our minds interpret as 3D images. It was delivered by Schumacher to Dr. Eric Jumper's basement (with Dr. John Jackson) and, when they processed an unknown image through the VP8, they saw what appeared to be a three-dimensional image in correct proportion for a man's face. Air Force Academy Professors Jackson and Jumper (future founding members of the STURP team) next used the VP8 to analyze a religious artifact called the Shroud of Turin and used the data from that analysis to create a cardboard model of the Shroud.
The information for this article comes from Deacon Pete Schumacher, the production engineer of the VP8 Image Analyzer and written mostly by Deacon Andy Weiss, webmaster of iSEAM, since working with Schumacher over the past five years.