VMEbus (Versa Module Europa bus) is a computer bus standard, originally developed for the Motorola 68000 line of CPUs, but later widely used for many applications and standardized by the IEC as ANSI/IEEE 1014-1987. It is physically based on Eurocard sizes, mechanicals and connectors (DIN 41612), but uses its own signalling system, which Eurocard does not define. It was first developed in 1981 and continues to see widespread use today.
In 1979, during development of the Motorola 68000 CPU, one of their engineers, Jack Kister, decided to set about creating a standardized bus system for 68000-based systems. The Motorola team brainstormed for days to select the name VERSAbus. VERSAbus cards were large, 14.5" by 9.25", and used edge connectors. Only a few products adopted it, including the IBM System 9000 instrument controller and the Automatix robot and machine vision systems.
Kister was later joined by John Black, who refined the specifications and created the VERSAmodule product concept. A young engineer working for Black, Julie Keahey designed the first VERSAmodule card, the VERSAbus Adaptor Module, used to run existing cards on the new VERSAbus. Sven Rau and Max Loesel of Motorola-Europe added a mechanical specification to the system, basing it on the Eurocard standard that was then late in the standardization process. The result was first known as VERSAbus-E but was later renamed to VMEbus, for VERSAmodule Eurocard bus (although some refer to it as Versa Module Europa).
Do you remember that day?
And the time goes by
I am still alive now
konna sekai de
Aa, kudarana sa ni
tsuba wo hai temo, mada hashireru sa
Lighting up my engine getting started
memagurushii ki setsu wo hateru made kake yuku
kokoro no oku de sotto anata wo omoi nagara
Do you remember that day?
mabushikute me wo fusai de mo
zanzou ga nokori, jama suru no sa
Like a sudden drop that falls on my heart
osaete ita omoi ga shunkan ni afure dasu
arayuru keshiki ga ima anata de ume tsukusu
tomatta toki no mukou kawarazu mi tsume teru
boku no itami wo tsutsumikomu you na
sonna yawaraka na kimi ga suki datta
memagurushii ki setsu wo hateru made kake yuku