Experts advise that landlords need to be more attuned to current market conditions ... Buy a 1BHK in Mumbai or a house in the US – Which Is the smarter investment? Amid job uncertainty, tenants urge landlords to be mindful of market conditions.
Landlords must commit to and follow a fire safety improvement plan as prescribed by provincial authorities, with a deadline of March 30 ... Landlords are being urged to install fire safety equipment and create secondary emergency exits.
The family has reported the matter to the police, and plans to contact their landlord to inform them of the neighbour's 'creepy behaviour' ... 'Your landlord can't legally do anything without a judge ordered restraining order.
'We urge everyone, customers, landlords and local, regional and national charities to respond to the campaign to ensure that no individual and no household is left without and at risk.'.
'Damage has been caused to the property involved and I would urge landlords and letting agents to ensure they obtain appropriate identification when renting out properties and conduct regular checks ...
In a controversial move, the new landlord ...JudgeMohammed also urged tenants to honour their rental payment obligations and take appropriate legal action if landlords refuse to accept payments.