Uqi Uqini (Aymara uqi uqi a species of plant,uqi brown, grey brown, the reduplication indicates that there is a group or a complex of something, -ni a suffix to indicate ownership, "the one with the uqi uqi plant" or "the one with a complex of grey-brown color", hispanicized spelling Oke Okeni) is a 5,532-metre (18,150 ft) high volcano in the Andes. It is situated in the Cordillera Occidental on the border of Bolivia and Chile. Uqi Uqini is located in the Arica and Parinacota Region of Chile and in the Oruro Department of Bolivia, in the Sajama Province, Turku Municipality, Chachakumani Canton. Uqi Uqini lies south of National Route 4 near the Chungara-Tambo Quemado pass and north of Umurata, Acotango and Capurata.
Uqi Uqini was formed in the middle of Miocene to Pliocene just like the volcanoes Asu Asuni, Kunturiri and the Kimsa Chata complex.
Uqi Uqini (Aymara uqi uqi a species of plant,uqi brown, grey brown, the reduplication indicates that there is a group or a complex of something, -ni a suffix to indicate ownership, "the one with the uqi uqi plant" or "the one with a complex of grey-brown color", hispanicized spelling Oke Okeni) is a mountain in the Bolivian Andes which reaches a height of approximately 4,800 m (15,700 ft). It is located in the Oruro Department, Sajama Province, Turco Municipality. Uqi Uqini lies southeast of Chunkarani.
jätän sulle sanoman faksiin
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enkä heti palaakaan
Sana ei on aina sun yllä
tänään ei on minulle kyllä
tukehdun jos vierelle jään sun
tahdon vapaana olla taas
Anna mun bailaa
anna mun bailata
anna mun koko ilta keinua vaan
Anna mun bailaa
mennä ja bailata
askeleitani et saa hidastaa
Kuski paina kaasu pohjaan
sinne minne valot ohjaa
koti-illat saavat riittää
enää et mua kiinni saa
Tarvitse en fyssaa tai hissaa
tahdon vain leikkiä kissaa
tukehdun jos vierelle jään sun
tahdon vapaana olla taas