Upekkhā (in devanagari: ऊपेक्खा; Sanskrit: उपेक्षा), is the Buddhist concept of equanimity. As one of the Brahma Vihara (meditative states), it is a pure mental state cultivated on the Buddhist path to nirvāna.
In the Pali Canon and post-canonical commentary, upekkha is identified as an important step in one's spiritual development in a number of places:
Captain America:
Go ahead. Light it up.
George Hanson:
Oh, no, no, no...
George Hanson:
...l couldn't do that.
l've got enough problems...
George Hanson:
...with the booze and all.
l can't afford to get hooked.
Captain America:
You won't get hooked.
George Hanson:
Well, l know.
But it leads to harder stuff. (X2)