The Unstrut is a river in eastern Germany and a left tributary of the Saale. It originates in northern Thuringia near Dingelstädt (west of Kefferhausen in the Eichsfeld area) and its catchment area is the whole of the Thuringian Basin. It breaks out of the basin through the Thuringian Gate west of Heldrungen and, in its lower reaches, flows through Saxony-Anhalt before emptying into the Saale near Naumburg. The total length of the Unstrut is 192 kilometres (119 mi). Towns along the Unstrut include Mühlhausen, Sömmerda, Bad Frankenhausen, Artern, Roßleben, and Freyburg. The main tributaries of the Unstrut are the Gera, Wipper, Helme, and Lossa.
The countryside around the Saale and Unstrut rivers forms the wine-growing region of Saale-Unstrut. The well-known brand of sparkling wine, Rotkäppchen ("Little Red Riding Hood") is produced in the cellars of Freyburg.
Strödu in Old High German means a boggy thicket, un- is a prefix to intensify the meaning, so the Unstrut region was a very swampy area. In 575, the river was called the Onestrudis, in the 7th century it was referred to as the Unestrude and, in 994, as the Vnstruod.
Stand strong
Verse 1
This one’s for the broken, this one’s for the lost.
This one’s for the traveler, waiting for his ship to come.
This one’s for the fighter, the one’s who’s given all he’s got.
And this one’s for the dreamers, who refuse to ever wake up.
This world will let you down, it can make you feel so small.
But when there’s nothing left to hold on to, stand strong.
You will pull through, you will pull through.
Verse 2
Life is not a formula, there is no solution I can give.
All we have are choices, to live or to exist.
So this is where the change comes.
Do we look beyond our own lives?
Tell me what are you living for?
Has that even crossed your mind?
You know, this world will let you down, It can make you feel so small.
But when there’s nothing left to hold on to, stand strong you will pull
Lift your eyes, lift your eyes, there is hope on the rise.