An unjuried art exhibition or festival is one where all submissions are accepted.
Within theater, it is often referred to as a fringe festival, following the unjuried Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
Traditionally gatherings have had varying degrees of inclusiveness and exclusiveness, hence broadly speaking, the notion of a "juried" or "unjuried" gathering dates to prehistory. More narrowly, the notion of an unjuried exhibition arose in response to the Paris Salon, which began in 1725 and was juried from 1748 onwards. The Salon was very influential in the western world during the period 1748–1890 as an arbiter of taste, and the revolt against its strictures was a key conflict in the development of western art. An exhibitions of works refused from the official Salon was referred to as a Salon des Refusés, which became particularly prominent from 1863 onwards, when the French government under Emperor Napoléon III funded a Salon des Refusés for the large number of rejected artworks in that year. 1884 saw the formation of the Société des Artistes Indépendants (Society of Independent Artists), whose device was Sans jury ni récompense (Without jury nor awards), and which has run unjuried art exhibits from 1884 to the present day, under the title of Salon des Indépendants (Independents Salon). The development of these rejected or unjuried exhibits was key in the development of the avant-garde in painting, particularly the Ecole de Paris (Paris School), with the SAI being particularly prominent during the Gilded Age, until World War I.
Keep it simple
Keep it true
Make the message come from you
No need for eloquence
Poetry might just
I don’t want a love letter written by your clever friend
I don’t want sentiments
‘cause somebody said I’d like them
Come on funny guy
you’re the reason I
am standing here
you gotta believe
Come on honey
Take a deep breath
and make me sigh
You got what I need
You gotta believe me
You’re invited to attend
Bring yourself and be my friend
Don’t talk if it’s pretend
We can sit in awkward silence
I don’t want a dress rehearsal
drop the lines and reel me in
You hooked me from the start
When you thought I wasn’t watching
Come on funny guy
you’re the reason I
am standing here
you gotta believe
Come on honey
Take a deep breath
and make me sigh
You got what I need
You gotta believe me
Believe me
Believe me
Believe me
Dah - dahda - da - da-dah
Dah - dahda - da - da-dah