Dir En Grey (stylized as DIR EN GREY and previously as Dir en grey) is a Japanese metal band formed in 1997 and currently signed to Firewall Div., a sub-division of Free-Will. As of 2014, they have recorded nine full-length records with a lineup consistent since its inception. Numerous stylistic changes have made the genre of their music difficult to determine, though it is generally considered to be a form of metal. Originally a visual kei band, the band has opted for less dramatic attire in recent years.
Dir En Grey was preceded by the independent rock band La:Sadie's, which included four of Dir En Grey's members before it ended activities. They disbanded due to leader and bassist Kisaki not wanting to debut as he felt that it was too soon, but guitarist Kaoru believed that they were ready for it. After parting ways with Kisaki, Kaoru, Kyo, Die and Shinya recruited bassist Toshiya and regrouped as a new band on February 2, 1997. They released their first EP, Missa, a few months later. According to Toshiya, the name "Dir En Grey" was chosen because it "sounded right" and is composed of words from several languages so that people would not be able to attach a specific meaning to it other than the band's name itself. However, in another interview Kaoru said "At the time we chose the band name, it had some meaning but right now it doesn’t express the band anymore, so it has come to not mean anything specific. We chose the band name because it sounded right, and it also reflects an image that probably doesn’t exist elsewhere."
the two who turned their backs on eath other have nowhere to go
they can't even hear the sound of the heavy, pounding rain
turning their backs on each other, they walk to a place they go to
their footprints vanishing, one after the other
turn me into a memory and go to the new ocean
from my heart I wish you happiness
there is happiness beyond the tears
but you aren't there beyond the tears
we won't be seperated I don't want us to be seperated, but
your words pierce deeply through my heart don't you see?
we won't be seperated I don't want us to be seperated, but
the waves erase your footsteps again, one by one
with the changing of the seasons
it's too late, but I want to hold your hand one more time
in the changing of the seasons