The band began publishing a monthly series of 23 live albums in 1986, but stopped without explanation after only 17. The tenth, a picture disk most commonly referred to as Album 10, could only be obtained by submitting tokens contained in each of the previous nine releases. The band subsequently earned an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records for most records released in one year.
[Music : Napalm Death] [Lyrics: Nick Bullen, Justin Broadrick] An easy scapegoat for your blame, Racial hatred, a creed of shame. Unclean Your 'Master Race', ideals are fucked, Your 'New Britain' will not include us.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel obtained the letter under the state's public records law ... Small children and children with developmental needs who are prone to putting their hands in their mouths are particularly at risk for exposure to lead.
DEARERIC. My brother and I were estranged for many years at his insistence. We were able to reconcile after our father’s death when I gave him a larger portion of the estate than my father had willed to him ....