Kana (仮名) are syllabic Japanese scripts, a part of the Japanese writing system contrasted with the logographic Chinese characters known in Japan as kanji (漢字). There are three kana scripts: modern cursive hiragana (ひらがな) that in past time known as a women script (women handwriting), modern angular katakana (カタカナ), and the old syllabic use of kanji known as man’yōgana (万葉仮名) that was ancestral to both. Hentaigana (変体仮名, "variant kana") are historical variants of modern standard hiragana. In modern Japanese, hiragana and katakana have directly corresponding character sets (different sets of characters representing the same sounds).
Katakana with a few additions is also used to write Ainu. Kana was used in Taiwanese as a gloss (furigana) for Chinese characters during the Japanese administration of Taiwan. See Taiwanese kana.
Each kana character (syllabogram) corresponds to one sound in the Japanese language. This is always CV (consonant onset with vowel nucleus), such as ka, ki, etc., or V (vowel), such as a, i, etc., with the sole exception of the C grapheme for nasal codas usually romanised as n. This structure had some scholars label the system moraic instead of syllabic, because it requires the combination of two syllabograms to represent a CVC syllable with coda (i.e. CVn, CVm, CVng), a CVV syllable with complex nucleus (i.e. multiple or expressively long vowels), or a CCV syllable with complex onset (i.e. including a glide, CyV, CwV).
Kanał (Polish pronunciation: [ˈkanaw], Sewer) is a 1956 Polish film directed by Andrzej Wajda. It was the first film made about the 1944 Warsaw Uprising, telling the story of a company of Home Army resistance fighters escaping the Nazi onslaught through the city's sewers. Kanał is the second film of Wajda's War Trilogy, preceded by A Generation and followed by Ashes and Diamonds.
The film was the winner of the Special Jury Award at the 1957 Cannes Film Festival.
It is 25 September 1944, during the last days of the Warsaw Uprising. Lieutenant Zadra leads a unit of 43 soldiers and civilians to a new position amidst the ruins of the now isolated southern Mokotów district of Warsaw.
The composer Michał manages to telephone his wife and child in another part of the city that is being overrun by the Germans. After a few words, she tells him that the Germans are clearing the building and that they are coming for her. Then the line goes dead. The next morning, 23-year-old Officer Cadet Korab apologizes after walking into a room to find the second in command, Lieutenant Mądry, and messenger girl Halinka in bed together (Halinka later reveals that Mądry is her first lover). A German attack is beaten off, but Korab is wounded while disabling a Goliath tracked mine.
KANA Software, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Verint Systems (NASDAQ: VRNT) and provides on-premises and cloud computing hosted customer engagement optimization (CEO) products to many of the Fortune 500, mid-market businesses and government agencies.
Mark Gainey founded KANA in 1996 to market a software package designed to help businesses manage email and Web-based communications. It grew around this core offering. In 1999, KANA Communications (as it was then known) acquired Connectify followed by Business Evolution and NetDialog. In 2000, KANA made its then-largest acquisition, Silknet Software. The purchase price was $4.2 billion, despite the fact that both companies were relatively small. Silknet was an early multichannel marketing software company. Industry analysts were generally cool to the purchase though some said it made sense strategically. In 2001, KANA merged with BroadBase software. KANA was a major stock market success during the dot-com bubble, and while it contracted significantly during the following downturn, it remained in business as an independent company through the following decade.
Un jour tu viens, un jour tu vas
Un jour tu veux, un jour tu veux pas
Et quand tu as ce que tu veux
Ce que tu as n'est plus le mieux
Un jour c'est bon, l'autre c'est non
Tu me dis oui, quand tu penses non
D?cide-toi, et fais ton choix
Je m'en vais, ou je reste l?
Je ne sais plus o? va ma vie
Mais ton c?ur c'est mon paradis !
Un jour tu ris, un jour tu pleures
Un jour tu vis et l'autre tu meurs
Un jour tu m'aimes, l'autre un peu moins
Ca m'fait d'la peine, mais ?a change demain
Si je t'attends, je perds mon temps
Toi que fais-tu de mes sentiments ?
Regarde-moi, c'est merveilleux
Ce qu'on peut faire quand on est deux
Quand on ne sait pas ce qu'on veut
On ne peut jamais ?tre heureux !
J'ai besoin de te regarder,
J'ai besoin de te prot?ger
Mais je laisse ? ta libert?
Le meilleur de toi-m?me
Car c'est l? ton probl?me
Car tu crois quand on aime
Que se pose un dilemme
On renonce ? tout ?a ?
Un jour c'est blanc, un jour c'est noir
Un jour beau temps et puis plus d'espoir
Un jour je suis l'homme de ta vie
On fait l'amour et puis tu t'enfuis
Un jour tu dis que je suis tout
Et puis tu ne dis plus rien du tout
Comme l'hiver et le printemps
Ton amour change de saisons
Tu parles trop puis plus un mot
Ton c?ur a froid puis il a chaud !
Tout le monde a ses soucis,
Tout le monde veut refaire sa vie
C'est qu'ils n'ont pas encore compris,
Qu'il faut laisser la place
S'aimer sans se confondre,
En un ne plus se fondre
Si l'amour nous encha?ne
Un jour il finira !
Regarde-moi, l'amour est l?
Il nous appelle, il nous tend les bras
Si tu as peur, de ton bonheur
Laisse parler la voix de ton c?ur
Si je ne suis pas comme tu veux
C'est que je suis peut-?tre un peu mieux
Regarde-moi, je suis heureux
Et l'amour est l? dans mes yeux
Laisse-toi faire, car rien n'est mieux
Que de vivre une vie ? deux !
Je ne veux pas tout faire avec toi
Car tu dois vivre aussi pour toi
Je veux juste ?tre ? tes c?t?s
Mais garder la distance
J'ai besoin d'un ?change
D'un bonheur sans m?lange
Qui se donne sans nous prendre
Et qui ne finit pas..