Ulidia is a genus of picture-winged flies in the family Ulidiidae.
The Kingdom of Ulidia, meaning "the lesser Ulster", also known as simply the Kingdom of Ulster, was a somewhat fluid area of Gaelic Ireland's Ulaidh (or Ulster) province (Latin Ultonia) that remained under rule of the Ulaid after the 5th-century encroachments of the Uí Néill. An individual member of the Ulaid nation or the Kingdom of Ulidia was known in Irish as an "Ultach" (variant spellings are "Ultagh" or "Ultaigh"), in Latin as an "Ultonii" and in English as an "Ultonian" or "Ulsterite".
Located in the extreme southeast of what had been the larger Ulaidh, Ulidia comprised a land area, roughly, contemporaneous with that of modern County Down and the southern portion of County Antrim in Northern Ireland. County Down, Northern Ireland has an area of 250 square miles. The area of all County Antrim, Northern Ireland would be another 217 square miles.
Prior to the Kingdom’s and the Ulaid Nation's substantial collapse in the late 12th century AD, Ulidia's interrelated Red Branch ruling houses (I. "Cróeb Ruad" or "red earth" royal houses) were the remaining of the Dál Fiatach group of Ulaid royal dynasties. Prominently at end, these were the O'Hoey or O'Haughey (I. O'h Eochadh or O'Heochadha, old names for the MacDonlevy) (parent house), the MacDonlevy (I. "Mac Duinnshléibhe") (descended house) (over-kings of Ulidia), the MacMahon or McMahon (sometimes O'Mahon) (I. O'Mathghamhna) and the O'Lowry (surname) (sometimes Lynch (surname) or Linch) (I. O'Luingsigh). The over-kingship of the Ulaid (an elected office of its royalty) was restricted to the lineage of the Dál Fiatach's MacDonlevy after 1137 AD. These royals of Ulidia were the famed earthen mound building Red Branch knights of Ulster for whom Constance Markievicz, originally, named the Irish patriot organisation "Na Fianna Éireann”.
Do ya... wanna do some crack?
Do ya wanna drop a log?
Do ya prefer to pick your nose?
Or would ya rather mouse a hog?
The bathroom is a holy place
I can wack-off without disgrace
What! There's no paper? I don't care
I'll wipe my ass with my underwear
The bathroom is a holy place
I can wack-off without disgrace
There's so many games to play in here
Like "Bombs away in the hollow chair"
It's a place I can think
Projects chunks in the sink
So many things to do in there
You can't see me - so I don't care