United States Air Forces in Europe - Air Forces Africa
The United States Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa (USAFE-AFAFRICA) is a United States Air Force major command (MAJCOM) and a component command of both United States European Command and United States Africa Command. As part of its mission, USAFE-AFAFRICA commands U.S. Air Force units pledged to NATO, maintaining combat-ready wings based from Great Britain to Turkey. USAFE-AFAFRICA plans, conducts, controls, coordinates and supports air and space operations in Europe, parts of Asia and all of Africa with the exception of Egypt to achieve U.S. national and NATO objectives based on taskings by the two combatant commanders.
USAFE-AFAFRICA is headquartered at Ramstein Air Base, Germany. It is the oldest continuously active USAF major command. It was originally activated on 1 February 1942 at Langley Field, Virginia, as the Eighth Air Force, by the United States Army Air Forces. On 20 April 2012 United States Air Forces in Europe formally became the U.S. Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa when the 17th Air Force inactivated.
The AngryKitten electronic warfare pod has accomplished a key milestone, completing its testing phase on the F-16 aircraft and moving on to evaluations on larger platforms ... Angry Kitten EW pods ... However, the results have exceeded those expectations ... .
> ... Tentatively being called the J-36 and J-XX, (no official names exist) these are believed to be 6th generation warplanes, or at least “next generation” ... Although perhaps not, since no information on the J-36 or J-XX is officially available ... .