A United Nations Security Council resolution is a UN resolution adopted by the fifteen members of the Security Council; the UN body charged with "primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security".
The UN Charter specifies (in Article 27) that a draft resolution on non-procedural matters is adopted if nine or more of the fifteen Council members vote for the resolution, and if it is not vetoed by any of the five permanent members. Draft resolutions on "procedural matters" can be adopted on the basis of an affirmative vote by any nine Council members.
The five permanent members are the People's Republic of China (which replaced the Republic of China in 1971), France, Russia (which replaced the defunct Soviet Union in 1991), the United Kingdom, and the United States.
The term "resolution" does not appear in the text of the United Nations Charter. It contains numerous formulations, such as "decision" or "recommendation", which imply the adoption of resolutions which do not specify the method to be used.
United Nations Security Council resolution 678 , adopted on 29 November 1990, after reaffirming resolutions 660, 661, 662, 664, 665, 666, 667, 669, 670, 674 and 677 (all 1990), the Council noted that despite all the United Nations efforts, Iraq continued to defy the Security Council.
The Council, recognising its responsibility to uphold international peace and security, offered Iraq one final chance to implement Resolution 660 (1990) which demanded that Iraq withdraw its forces unconditionally from Kuwait to the positions in which they were located on 1 August 1990, the day before the invasion of Kuwait. If Iraq did not implement the resolution by 15 January 1991, Member States were authorised to use all necessary means to uphold and implement Resolution 660 (1990), requesting Member States to keep the Council informed on their decisions. This was the legal authorisation for the Gulf War, as Iraq did not withdraw by the deadline.
Resolution 678 was adopted by 12 votes to 2 against (Cuba, Yemen) and one abstention from the People's Republic of China. China, which had usually vetoed such resolutions authorising action against a state, abstained in an attempt to ease sanctions placed on it after the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, and Cuba's position was contradictory as it had voted for or abstained on previous resolutions relating to Iraq, but did not support Resolution 678. Various members of the Council were rewarded with economic incentives as a result of their 'yes' vote, and those who initially opposed the resolution were discouraged from voting 'no' with the idea of economic penalties, particularly by the United States. Yemen, which voted against, saw its workers expelled from Saudi Arabia and had aid programmes to the country stopped by the United States, World Bank and International Monetary Fund.
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1929, adopted on 9 June 2010, after recalling resolutions 1696 (2006), 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008), 1835 (2008) and 1887 (2009) concerning the topics of Iran and non-proliferation, the Council noted that Iran had failed to comply with previous Security Council resolutions concerning its nuclear program and imposed further sanctions on the country.
The resolution, which adopted a fourth round of sanctions against the country, was adopted by twelve votes for the resolution, two against from Brazil and Turkey, with one abstention from Lebanon.
In the preamble of the resolution, the Council reaffirmed its commitment to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, its provisions therein and obligations on parties to the Treaty. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors had adopted a resolution stating that a solution to the Iranian nuclear issue would contribute to global non-proliferation efforts and the Middle East region free of weapons of mass destruction. There was concern that Iran had not yet fully suspended uranium enrichment activities, resumed co-operation with the IAEA or clarified issues relating to a possible military dimension to its nuclear program.
They will be back again
They will be back in the night
You won't escape again with no more than a fright
I need a cover, I need a shelter
I need you to pretend we're really strong
All the safety will be gone
Before the darkness gets a chance to bite
Sing me a song and hold me tight
I am now where I have been
And I see what I've already seen
'Cause this is a nightmare this is not a dream
You will scream, you have to scream
I think I have gone monstercrazy
You will scream, you have to scream
From darkness into the light
We have survived a narrow escape
Out of the jaws of death
One moment that takes your breath
Out of the jaws of death
One moment that takes your breath
Before the darkness gets a chance to bite
Sing me a song and hold me tight
I am now where I have been
And I see what I've already seen
'Cause this is a nightmare this is not a dream
You will scream, you have to scream
I think I have gone monstercrazy
You will scream, you have to scream
A cry
Under the screen of the dark
A scare, a chase, a mystery
Like a child I stay up in fright
Stay up all night
Stay up every night
So don't wonder what it was
These shadows called your name
And nothing will be the same
They will be back again
They will be back again
You will scream, you have to scream
This is not a dream this is a nightmare
They will be back again
They will be back again in the night