Ultra-low-sulfur diesel (ULSD) is diesel fuel with substantially lowered sulfur content. As of 2006, almost all of the petroleum-based diesel fuel available in Europe and North America is of a ULSD type. There is not a single standard set of specifications and as the government mandated standard becomes progressively more strict so does the definition.
The move to lower sulfur content is expected to allow the application of newer emissions control technologies that should substantially lower emissions of particulate matter from diesel engines. This change occurred first in the European Union and is now happening in North America. New emissions standards, dependent on the cleaner fuel, have been in effect for automobiles in the United States since model year 2007.
ULSD has a lower energy content due to the heavy processing required to remove large amounts of sulfur from oil, leading to (1 to 2%) lower fuel economy. Using it requires more costly oil.
Some filling stations in Kenya started offering 50 ppm diesel as of December 2010.
Perdue dans le nombre
Au milieu de la gare
O? tout semble tourner
Perdue dans le nombre
O? les passants s? garent
En d? but de journ? e
Elle attend seule au monde
Au moment o? la fr? le
L? ombre d? un passager
Se retournant quand l? ombre
Par-dessus son? paule
Revient lui murmurer:
« Nous sommes tous une ombre
Avant qu? on nous regarde
Avant d? tre? cout? s
Nous sommes tous une ombre
Dont l? armure se l? zarde