The government is led by the prime minister, who selects all the remaining ministers. The prime minister and the other most senior ministers belong to the supreme decision-making committee, known as the Cabinet. The government ministers usually all sit in Parliament, and are accountable to it. The government is dependent on Parliament to make primary legislation, and since the Fixed-terms Parliaments Act 2011, general elections are held every five years to elect a new House of Commons, unless there is a successful vote of no confidence in the government in the House of Commons, in which case an election may be held in short order. After an election, the monarch (currently Queen Elizabeth II) selects as prime minister the leader of the party most likely to command a majority of MPs in the House of Commons.
The government's Cabinet was made up of sixteen Conservatives and five Liberal Democrats with eight other Conservatives and one other Liberal Democrat attending cabinet but not members. The Cameron ministry was the first coalition government to have governed the United Kingdom since the Churchill war ministry of the Second World War. Following the 2015 British general election, the ministry was replaced by the single-party Second Cameron ministry.
The previous Parliament had been dissolved on 12 April 2010 in advance of the general election on 6 May. The election resulted in a hung parliament, no single party having an overall majority in the House of Commons, the Conservatives having the most seats but 20 short of a majority.
Kent, a global leader in engineering and energy transition solutions, has been awarded a place on the UK government’s Department for Energy Security & Net Zero (DESNZ) ENZPS Framework to provide strategic advisory and engineering services ....
On 25 March 2025, the MaritimeMinister revealed the government’s new decarbonization stategy for UK shipping, including vessels to be carbon-free by 2050 and incorporating shipping into the UK ETS.
“The UK government’s commitment to a domestic fuel regulation laid out in the long-awaited MaritimeDecarbonisationStrategy promises to be a crucial step to cutting emissions and ...
Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, will slash UK government spending by billions of pounds due to tough decisions blamed on global economic headwinds ... The government’s ...
All air carriers certified by the authorities with responsibility for regulatory oversight of Pakistan are banned from operating commercial air services to, from, and within the United Kingdom, stated an official UK government website.
UK retailers are bracing for a combined £5 billion rise in operating costs this year as government-led increases to employer national insurance and the national living wage come into effect from April.
UK government departments will have to cut their running costs, the Chancellor said ...Changes to national planning policy alone will take the UK government "within touching distance" of its manifesto ...
The extra funding is being put on the table as the Government aims to hike defence spending to 2.5 per cent of the UK's economic output by 2027 ... to 2.5 per cent of the UK's economic output by 2027.
The UK government also sanctioned Vinyagamurthy Muralidaran, the deputy leader of the LTTE, who later turned a rebel of the group and became a deputy minister in the national parliament ... The UK ...
Barrow-in-Furness is to benefit from £200m of government investment in the UK’s defence industry ... delivering the Astute and Dreadnought submarine programmes for the UK’s Royal Navy that form the UK’s at-sea nuclear deterrent.