UFO Phil, also known as Phil Hill, is a performer, public speaker and "Don Quixote of the E.T. set" who has made a name for himself through appearances on national radio programs, television, films, and internet videos speaking on the subject of extraterrestrials and the paranormal. Whether Phil Hill is an actual believer in the paranormal or is engaging in a kind of performance art is the subject of some debate. Although he is sometimes described as a comedic performer, Hill has stated publicly that he knows "nothing of comedy". In this regard, UFO Phil may be an example of Poe's law and has been compared to Andy Kaufman's persona Tony Clifton.
Phil is a native of Roswell, New Mexico currently residing in Hollywood. According to Phil, he was first abducted in 1972 by aliens who implanted him with a microchip, granting him a "heightened musical talent". Subsequently, Phil writes and performs novelty songs about extraterrestrials and science fiction.
In 2010, Phil claimed to be working on a way to "harness free electricity from the air" and distribute it to the people of the world. This was possible, according to Phil, because of a reactor blueprint given to him by the "Good Aliens". Phil said he planned to construct his power plant at his new home on top of Pikes Peak. In January, 2011, Phil announced plans to construct a full-sized limestone pyramid, modelled after the Great Pyramid of Giza, at Alcatraz Island, as well as other pyramids atop Pikes Peak in Colorado and behind the Hollywood Sign.
Her caress is cold as winter
Her heart shelters no love
Her body offers no warmth
And her embrace no salvation...
Her voice of great pain