Safed (Hebrew: צְפַת Tzfat, Ashkenazi: Tzfas, Biblical: Ṣ'fath; Arabic: صفد, Ṣafad) is a city in the Northern District of Israel. Located at an elevation of 900 metres (2,953 ft), Safed is the highest city in the Galilee and in Israel. Due to its high elevation, Safed experiences warm summers and cold, often snowy, winters. Since the 16th century, Safed has been considered one of Judaism's Four Holy Cities, along with Jerusalem, Hebron and Tiberias; since that time, the city has remained a center of Kabbalah, also known as Jewish mysticism.
Due to its mild climate and scenic views, Safed is a popular holiday resort frequented by Israelis and foreign visitors.
According to the Book of Judges (1:17), the area where Safed is located was assigned to the Tribe of Naphtali. Legend has it that Safed was founded by a son of Noah after the Great Flood.
Safed has been identified with Sepph, a fortified Jewish town in the Upper Galilee mentioned in the writings of the Roman-Jewish historian Josephus. (PACE: The Jewish War, 2.{{{chap}}}.{{{sec}}} (Whiston).) It is mentioned in the Jerusalem Talmud as one of five elevated spots where fires were lit to announce the New Moon and festivals during the Second Temple period.
Dizem o que é melhor pra mim
Meu bem não sei se é assim
Cansei não dá mais pra levar
Já sei ninguém vai me escutar
Dessa vez eu vou fazer o que eu quiser
Ah ah ah ah... é, dessa vez que eu vou
Todo dia é tudo tão igual
Me diz: será que é normal
Talvez não seja tão ruim
Eu sei, tenho que decidir
Dessa vez eu vou fazer o que eu quiser
Ah ah ah ah... é, dessa vez que eu vou
Pensei no que é melhor pra mim
Meu Deus, tudo que vivi
Valeu, pode acreditar
Ninguém vai me segurar
Dessa vez eu vou fazer o que eu quiser
Ah ah ah ah... é dessa vez que eu vou