Audio typist
An audio typist is someone who specialises in typing text from an audio source which they listen to. The source, or original document is usually recorded onto microcassettes created by someone dictating into a Dictaphone. The audio typist will have learnt to touch type at a high speed which means they can look at the monitor or keep an eye on a waiting area as they are typing because they do not need to look at the keyboard. A specialist player called a micro cassette transcriber (below) is used for playback of the cassettes to maximise the typing speed.
An audio typist or a secretary with this skill will quote their speed in words per minute (abbreviated to wpm) on their CV and may be asked to demonstrate their speed and accuracy of this skill as part of the interview or application process.
Micro Cassette Transcriber
Typical features include; headphones, foot pedals, adjustable speed control, tape counter, backspace feature, pause, search.
The headphones allow several typists to work in close proximity to each other. The foot pedals ensure hand free operation of the player freeing up the hands to type almost non stop. The pedals can be used to rewind the tape by 5 to 10 seconds (backspace feature) or pause the tape.