Twinings /ˈtwaɪnɪŋz/ is an English marketer of tea, based in Andover, Hampshire. The brand is owned by Associated British Foods. It holds the world's oldest continually-used company logo, and is London's longest-standing rate-payer, having occupied the same premises on the Strand since 1706.
The founder of Twinings was Thomas Twining from Painswick, Gloucestershire in England. He opened Britain's first known tea room at No. 216 Strand, London, in 1706; it still operates today. The firm's logo, created in 1787, is the world's oldest in continuous use.
Holder of a royal warrant, Twinings has been owned by Associated British Foods since 1964. It sells a variety of regional and flavoured teas such as the smoked Lapsang Souchong, the oil scented black tea Lady Grey, and the partially oxidised Bengali tea Darjeeling, as well as infusions, coffee, and hot chocolate. The company is associated with Earl Grey tea, a tea infused with bergamot, though it is unclear when this association began, and how important the company's involvement with the tea has been; Jacksons of Piccadilly, originally a rival of Twinings, but bought up by Twinings in the 1960s, also have associations with the blend.
Spawn of grand whore
It is no surprise that I sow such twilight
The raping of your children and the...
I see of course as a gift to me.
The withering of mirth marks my path,
or I am the end of all ends.
The slaves of heaven who crave for redemption
Shall rewrite their books as I become their
Monuments of faith anchor me to eternity;
From the cradle of time they knew I had come
to stay
Your ruinous creed has named me the evil in,
There is no one more blind than he who doesn't