Various student characters attend the fictional school South Park Elementary in the animated television show South Park. The school is one of the most prominent settings on the show, the narrative of which revolves mostly around the students.
While there have been a few characters from varying grades have been depicted in recurring minor roles, the students in the fourth grade—including central characters Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick, and Eric Cartman—receive the primary focus of the series. The fourth grade class is taught throughout most of the series by Mr. Garrison, with a hiatus between seasons 4 and 6 when he is replaced by Ms. Choksondik. These students also attended class under Mr. Garrison during their previous time as third graders during South Park's first three-and-a-half seasons.
In tradition with the show's cutout animation style, all characters listed below are composed of simple geometrical shapes and bright colors. Ever since the show's second episode, "Weight Gain 4000" (season one, 1997), all characters on South Park have been animated with computer software, though they are portrayed to give the impression that the show still utilizes the method of animating construction paper composition cutouts through the use of stop motion, which was the technique used in creating the show's first episode, "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe".
Lasci? il suo paese all'et? di vent'anni
con in tasca due soldi e niente di pi?
aveva una donna che amava da anni
lasci? anche lei per qualcosa di pi?
Promise a se stesso di non ritornare
al vecchio paese della sua giovent?
dove nessuno voleva sognare
i campi d'arare e niente di pi?
Cominci? cos? a fare il vagabondo
girando paesi e citt?
cercando fortuna in quartieri del mondo
dimenticando la sua povert?
Un giorno in casa di un grande poeta
trov? dei ragazzi che parlavan di pace
di colpo cap? che era quella la meta
che aveva raggiunto per esser felice
Ritorn? cos? a fare il vagabondo
girando paesi e citt?
voleva portare l'amore nel mondo
ma pens? al paese di molti anni fa
Senza un soldo in tasca torn? ancora verso casa
aveva capito cosa conta di pi?
davanti alla sua porta c'era lei che lo aspettava