Tusks are elongated, continuously growing front teeth, usually but not always in pairs, that protrude well beyond the mouth of certain mammal species. They are most commonly canines, as with warthogs, pig, and walruses, or, in the case of elephants, elongated incisors. In most tusked species both the males and the females have tusks although the males' are larger. Tusks are generally curved, though the narwhal's sole tusk is straight and has a helical structure. In the elephant, the tusks were originally second incisors. Continuous growth is enabled by formative tissues in the apical openings of the roots of the teeth.
Tusks have a variety of uses depending on the animal. Social displays of dominance, particularly among males, are common, as is their use in defence against attackers. Elephants use their tusks as digging and boring tools. Walruses use their tusks to grip on ice and to haul out on ice. The presence of a tusk in only the male narwhals suggests that for these whales the tusk is a secondary sex characteristic.
B-side of Lovely Money 7"
Also appears on 'Damned But Not Forgotten' CD
Who is the person that everyone knows?
She seems to live her life so naturally
An angel in the guise of something else
What lies behind those eyes in mystery?
A wealth of secrets
A light in a dream
I'd like to know what they mean
A haunted voice from a ghost like face
I hope and pray that it won't end
The light is fading you're not the one in your eyes
The others follow in your disguise
Who is the person that everyone knows?
She seems to live her life so naturally
An angel in the guise of something else
What lies behind those eyes in mystery?
A wealth of secrets
A light in a dream