Turóc County
Turóc (Hungarian, historically also spelled Túrócz), Slovak: Turiec, Latin: Thurotzium/comitatus Thurociensis, German: Turz) was an administrative county (comitatus) of the Kingdom of Hungary. Its territory is now in north-western Slovakia, where the corresponding Slovakian name Turiec is only an informal designation of the corresponding territory.
Turóc county shared borders with the counties of Nyitra (Nitra), Trencsén (Trenčín), Árva (Orava), Liptó (Liptov), Zólyom (Zvolen) and Bars (Tekov). Situated between the Malá Fatra and Veľká Fatra Mountains. The river Turiec flowed through the county. Its area was 1123 km² around 1910.
The capitals of the Turóc county were the Sklabiňa Castle and Martin (name until 1950: Turčiansky Svätý Martin); from 1772 only Martin was the capital.
Turóc county as a Hungarian comitatus arose before the 15th century. In the aftermath of World War I, the area of the now defunct Turóc county became part of newly formed Czechoslovakia, as recognized by the concerned states in the 1920 Treaty of Trianon. The territory of the county is now part of Slovakia.