Chronic atrophic rhinitis
Chronic atrophic rhinitis is a chronic inflammation of nose characterised by atrophy of nasal mucosa, including the glands, turbinate bones and the nerve elements supplying the nose. Chronic atrophic rhinitis may be primary and secondary. Special forms of chronic atrophic rhinitis are rhinitis sicca anterior and ozaena.
Primary atrophic rhinitis
This disorder was known since the time of ancient Egypt, almost 4,000 years ago, and descriptions of it are found in the historical medical papyri. In the Edwin Smith Papyrus (1700 BC) it was prescribed a treatment based on wine and breast milk to cure this disease. Even the ancient Greek civilization and the Indian were aware of atrophic rhinitis.
Hereditary factors: the disease runs in families
Endocrinal imbalance: the disease tends to start at puberty and mostly involves females
Racial factors: whites are more susceptible than natives of equatorial Africa
Nutritional deficiency: vitamins A or D, or iron