Tulo is one of the woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. Part of the Mirab Hararghe Zone, Tulo is bordered on the south by Mesela, on the west by Chiro, on the north by Doba, and on the east by the Misraq Hararghe Zone. Towns in Tulo include Debeso and Hirna.
Coffee is an important cash crop of this woreda. Over 50 square kilometers are planted with this crop. Around 2000 a team of workers sponsored by Chinese aid resurfaced and in some places built anew most of the all-weather road between Awash and Hirna.
The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 147,384, of whom 75,254 were men and 72,130 were women; 13,768 or 9.34% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants said they were Muslim, with 78.72% of the population reporting they observed this belief, while 20.04% of the population practised Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity.
Based on figures published by the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, this woreda has an estimated total population of 165,711, of whom 81,288 are men and 84,423 are women; 19,864 or 11.99% of its population are urban dwellers, which is greater than the Zone average of 9.6%. With an estimated area of 423.6 square kilometers, Tulo has an estimated population density of 391.2 people per square kilometer, which is greater than the Zone average of 101.8.
The Trade Union and Labour Party Liaison Organisation (TULO) is a labour organisation in the United Kingdom that was set up in 1994 by a motion to the Labour Party's Annual Conference. It had several forerunning organisations that coordinated trade union support for the Labour Party at election times such as Trade Unions for a Labour Victory and Trade Unionists For Labour. TULO is different in that, as a more formal organisation, it serves the dual purposes of not only coordinating trade union support for the Labour Party at elections, but also of acting as the channel of communication between the Party Leadership and its affiliated trade unions.
Since 2002 TULO has taken a more visible role within the Labour Party, speaking up for pro-union policies. This work lead to the highly successful Warwick One Agreement (2004) which formed part of Labour's 2005 manifesto, and the Warwick Two Agreement (2008). It also led the campaign to secure rights for Agency Workers (2007), increase statutory redundancy pay (2009), and the 2010 campaign to win compensation for sufferers of Pleural Plaques (a form of asbestosis).
Underneath her skin and jewelry,
hidden in her words and eyes
is a wall that's cold and ugly
and she's scared as hell.
Trembling at the thought of feeling.
Wide awake and keeping distance.
Nothing seems to penetrate her.
She's scared as hell.
I am frightened to.
Wide awake
and keeping distance from my soul.