In Irish mythology, Tuireann (Old Irish: Tuirenn or Tuirill Biccreo) was the father of Creidhne, Luchtaine and Giobhniu by Brigid.
His other sons, by his daughter Danand, included Brian, Iuchar and Iucharba, who killed Lugh's father Cian. After Lugh had taken his elaborate revenge, Tuireann died of grief over their graves.
He is stated in various portions of Lebor Gabála Érenn to be the same person as Delbáeth Mac Ogma, who is also credited as the father of Brian, Iuchar and Iucharba. He is likely related to the Gaulish deity Taranis and thence to Thor of the Scandinavians.
His name points to a Proto-Indo-European root which gives us words for thunder or related concepts even today, for instance the Old English "Thunores Dæg" (Thursday), as well as dedication to the god and tórnach, the Irish word for thunder.
Tuireann is a character in As Baile: A Story, a 2012 novel.
If I could ride this slide into forever
What would I give to getaway
That pain that stayed
Seemed like forever
What would you give to getaway
I know this is how I could be over you
You know this is not another waste of time
All this holding on can't be wrong
Just come back to me and I am not alone
You had your man your fan but not forever
You should have let him
You should have let him getaway
But your pride made you ride on this slide by his side to his lies
Seemed like forever
What would you give to getaway
I know this is how I could be over you
You know this is not another waste of time
All this holding on can't be wrong
Just come back to me so I am not alone
To getaway
To getaway
To getaway
To getaway
I know this is how I could be over you
You know this is not another waste of time
All this holding on can't be wrong
And I know this is how I could be over you
You know that I am not another waste of time
All this holding on can't be wrong
If you come back to me so I am not alone