Tsukuyomi or Tsukiyomi (月読, also known as Tsukiyomi-no-mikoto), is the moon god in Shinto and Japanese mythology. The -no-mikoto ending is a common honorific suffix for the names of gods, of similar meaning to "the grand, the great, the exalted". The name "Tsukuyomi" is a compound of the Old Japanese words tsuku (月, "moon, month", becoming modern Japanese tsuki) and yomi (読み, "reading, counting"). The Nihon Shoki mentions this name spelled as Tsukuyumi (月弓, "moon bow"), but this yumi is likely a variation in pronunciation of yomi (読み, "reading, counting"). An alternate interpretation is that his name is a combination of tsukiyo (月夜, "moonlit night") and mi (見, "looking, watching"). "Yomi" may also refer to the Japanese underworld, though this interpretation is unlikely.
Unlike the myths of ancient Greece or Rome, the Japanese moon deity is male. This is clear in the earliest mentions in sources such as the Kojiki and the Man'yōshū, where Tsukuyomi's name is sometimes rendered as Tsukuyomi Otoko (月讀壮士, "moon reading man") or as Tsukihito Otoko (月人壮士, "moon person man").
Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase (月詠, Tsukuyomi) is a manga series by Keitarō Arima about a young vampire girl named Hazuki and a Japanese freelance photographer Kouhei Morioka whom Hazuki attempts to make into her servant.
The manga was adapted into a 25 episode anime TV series by the Shaft studio and aired late night on TV Tokyo from October 4, 2004 to March 28, 2005, followed by an additional 26th episode released only on DVD on February 22, 2006 which featured Art from Type-Moon. The OVA storyline has very little to do with the original series outside of having some of the same characters, and has a completely different storyline which does not fit into anything which came before it.
Tokyopop publishes an English-language version of the manga while Funimation released the English-language version of the anime under the name Moon Phase.
Tsukuyomi may refer to:
[Princess of the Snow and Captain of the Warriors together:]
Fantasy, is just a word to fall in love.
Agony is what today affects our soul.
[Princess of the Snow:]
There's no White Warrior on our side, there are no chances to survive
We have just opened the Last Gate.
Not a Knight but just an evil disciple.
Not so White but Black as much as Belzebu.
[The Warriors:]
Run because it's coming Belzebu
[Princess of the Snow:]
He made a pact for vanity, searching the glory just for him,
this what is hidden in the Gate. So...
I scream for more, to change this day,
but now my time has come and gone,
and we can't win the game.
I scream for more, to stop this fall,
but now the evil seats so close and we can't free our soul,
so I scream alone.
We have fought in a battle with nothing to win,
and White Warrior, our Symbol, was only a dream.
Now the path that we are walking might lead to nowhere,
Only time can tell.
[Princess of the Snow and Captain of the Warriors together:]
Fantasy, is just a word to fall in love.
Agony is what today affects our soul.
[Princess of the Snow:]
Now we will sing so loud this song, but we don't know what we look for,