Truku people

The Truku (Chinese: 太魯閣族; pinyin: Tàilǔgé zú, also romanized as Taroko) people are an Indigenous Taiwanese tribe. Taroko is also the name of the area of Taiwan where the Truku tribe resides. The Executive Yuan, Republic of China has officially recognized the Truku since January 15, 2004. The Truku are the 12th aboriginal tribe in Taiwan to receive this recognition. Previously, the Truku and the related Seediq people were classified in the Atayal group. The Atayal and Seediq slammed the Truku for their name rectification. Aboriginals have criticized politicians for abusing the "indigenization" movement for political gains, such as aboriginal opposition to the DPP's "rectification" by recognizing the Taroko for political reasons, with the majority of mountain townships voting for Ma Ying-jeou.

During the Wushe Incident Tkdaya Seediq people under Mona Rudao revolted against the Japanese while the Truku and Toda did not. The rivalry between the Seediq Tkdaya vs the Toda and Truku (Taroko) was aggravated by Wushe Incident, since the Japanese had long played them off against each other and the Japanese used Toda and Truku (Taroko) collaborators to massacre the Tkdaya. Tkdaya land was given to the Truku (Taroko) and Toda by the Japanese after the incident.




by: Tricky

(Tricky and A. Smith -> Aka Ambersunshower ) ...
Ambersunshower :
She's been waiting for that special someone
Anguished by the tears left behind them
Fortifying all that lying
Putrid taste left in her mouth
Chorus :
(Ambersunshower sings while Tricky raps)
Ambersunshower :
Follow me, follow me
Follow me, follow me
Tricky :
Yeah, c'mon
Let's do the maniac
Maniac, bumping like a brainiac
Brainiac, I don't remember [?]
Land me down, touch me down at heathrow
Reach down, the first time I ever feel
Bouncers [face?] on 57th st
Calm down, I feel a cool breeze and
Not particular
I think I found a reason
[For I saw?] what I saw
Ambersunshower :
She's been waiting for that special someone
But then look what she's got left
Fortifying all that lyingputrid taste left in her mouth
Chorus :
(Ambersunshower sings while Tricky raps)
Ambersunshower :
Follow me, follow me
Follow me, follow me
Tricky :
Yeah, c'mon
Let's do the maniac
Maniac, bumping like a brainiac
Brainiac, I don't remember [?]
Land me down, touch me down at heathrow
Reach down, the first time I ever feel
Bouncers [face?] on 57th st
Calm down, I feel a cool breeze and
Not particular
I think I found a reason
[For I saw?] what I saw
A: contamination cramps the surface
blood runs cooler than you flow
she is hiding smiles behind whispers and tears
chaos reaches higher ground
Ambersunshower :
Chaos, chaos, chaos
Ambersunshower :
Follow me, follow me
Follow me, follow me
